Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day Late, Dollar Short!

This blog post may be a week late, but it’s certainly not a dollar short – at least not when you compare it to the insane $10 million dollars the foolish federal government spent going after Barry Bonds and the other former MLB players that may or my not have used illegal performance enhancing drugs all in the name of one more home run or one more mile-per-hour on their fastball.

Maybe it’s the tax-paying dad in me, but I’m sick to my stomach that our U.S. federal government is foolish enough to spend such a ludicrous amount of money (again, an insane, $10 million) to try and nail Barry Bonds as their ‘poster boy’ for steroid usage when the fact of the matter is that the feds should have let Major League Baseball should take care of their own mess  

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