Monday, January 02, 2012

Krys Barch, Another Race-Baiting Idiot?

Is it me or are the racial incidents in professional sports becoming more frequent or what Eye on Sports readers?

On Saturday night, the latest racial incident in pro sports allegedly took place when Florida Panthers forward Krys Barch was ejected after reportedly directing a racial slur at Montreal Canadiens defenseman P.K. Subban.

Barch was given a game misconduct after a scrum towards the end of the first period in Florida's 3-2 victory when linesman Darren Gibbs overheard Barch use the slur against Subban whose parents are of Jamaican descent.

Barch left the dressing room that night like a little punk before he had to face what was undoubtedly going to be a media horde while the game’s on-ice officials were not made available for comment.

For his part, Suban took the alleged dig all in stride, not choosing to lower himself to Barch’s level.

"Personally, I didn't hear anything. I don't even know what happened, really," Subban said. "A couple of guys on the ice told me that something was said. I don't know what was said. I didn't hear it. As far as I'm concerned it's really out of my hands, so I don't really know too much about it."

Now, I really don’t know what happened just yet and I’m not going to comment on this issue other than to say that exhibits or words of a racial taunting nature should never, under any circumstances, in any sport, be allowed to take place.

Last but not least, aside from pro sports, let me just add in the fact that it’s a sad day to know that racism is so alive and well – and apparently, not going anywhere, even in 2012.   

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