Friday, December 02, 2011

Tiger’s Back, To Win at Least One Major in 2012!

Love him or loathe him, apparently Tiger Woods is quickly regaining the form that once made him the greatest golfer on the planet – and if you don’t believe me, just ask his own brethren who all agree that Woods looks fantastic.
“It looks like he's getting a lot of confidence back again,'' Stricker said. “It looks like the Tiger of old, really, and it's great to see. We need him out there playing, and playing well.''

“I think he is really 80, 90 percent back to his form again,'' Choi said. I'm very happy about playing with him tomorrow. Tiger is a good friend. He's got a very strong will. He's got the right mental attitude right now, and I think it's going to be a very fun day tomorrow.

“I watched him play a couple of holes today, and I was very impressed at the way he was swinging, at his rhythm, at the power he had,'' Choi said.  “It almost seemed like watching the old Tiger back in the day.''

I’m going on record right now to say that the fired-up Woods wins at least one major in 2012 – and possibly two.

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