Tuesday, December 06, 2011

BCS Stands For … Bull s**t Championship Series

BCS should stand for Bulls**t Championship Series as far as I’m concerned football fanatics.

I’m sick and tired of seeing one or two teams getting screwed out of a shot at the national title every year with the current nonsensical voting and computer system and I’m going on record to say that Oklahoma State got a raw deal this season.

It's interesting to note that the Cowboy’s only loss this season came on the same day they found out about the tragic air plane crash that took the lives of two basketball coaches at the school. Leads me to believe that maybe they weren't thinking about football that day. The Cowboys deserve this title game in the worst way and let's be for real, who wants to see a rematch of a game that already took place? Like every other level of college football, D-I needs a playoff system. Duh!

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